
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Whakatauki Term 1

Patua Te Taniwha o
Te Whakana

Don't Let Shyness Overcome You

I chose this Whakatauki because I´m shy and sometime think my ideas wont work but they do work out when I Share them.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Moment In Time - Burma Trail.

                The Burma Trail

“Creek bleak Creek !” The cicadas creak. As I was blinded with the darkness of my blindfold I was walking through the Burma trail. Before I  knew it I bumped into a small sized? Medium sized? No, GIANT SIZED TREE! “ Wow great instructions… Not!,” I thought in my head.

“Right there is a big root in 3 steps “ Mr Otsubo explained. “ Ah ! “ I tripped ! “ Ow ! “
Oh no the pain ! I was afraid I couldn’t even finish the Burma trail and the others would have made it and not me ! So I had to make It! I pushed myself, I got up! And then I shouted “ LET'S DO THIS!” Almost there,  huff puff ! huff puff- Wait… I stopped motionless.. I opened up my red blindfold. Huh? I made It.